Tom Webb
Strategic Software Innovations Officer
Instilling a Culture of Growth in Your Business
Session Description:
Your business is already defined by a culture - is that culture helping you grow or preventing your growth? This session will examine some cultural practices that have been used to grow the people, finances, reputation, customer loyalty, and value of real-life businesses - not just an academic study - that you can consider utilizing.
For more than 25 years, Tom Webb helped grow a market-dominant software company known for their culture and innovation. A 15+ year winner of the Best Place to Work in Texas award, the company excelled in ways most technology companies struggle - developing leaders and creating extraordinary customer loyalty - to grow the business into a highly valued juggernaut by organically adding to their service and product offerings, which is highly difficult and unusual in the software world. Tom now helps others cut through the noise around culture to focus on the core impact - growing your people to grow your business.