Anwar Mohammad
President and CEO of Softway & Culture+
Love As a Business Strategy
Session Overview:
This session will cover the dramatic effect 'love' had on our business, our strategy, and our people. The author of the Wall Street Journal Best Selling book Love as a Business Strategy will bust the doors down and demystify the word 'love' once and for all. As a business professional and practitioner, Mohammad will make a compelling case for why 'love' should be part of every business strategy, and how it could even become your competitive advantage. By showcasing tangible outcome-oriented examples of how love—when practically and thoughtfully applied to every area of your business—can make it thrive.
Mohammad is the President and CEO of Softway and Culture+, co-host of Love As A Business Strategy podcast, WSJ Best Selling Author of 'Love as a Business Strategy: Resilience, Belonging and Success,' speaker, and a member of Forbes Business Council. He started Softway as a technology services company with his family at the age of 20 while pursuing his B.S. in Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics at the University of Houston.